PMA Part #
(Replacement For OEM PN) |
Approval Means Description |
PMA Holder |
Model Eligibility |
Coil Assembly Ignition
(Janitrol 14C14-1)
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4251 |
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Miscellaneous (FAA/PMA aircraft combustion heater replacement parts cross ref. guide and aircraft installation eligibility list, 9th edition, rev. none dtd 4/6/93 or later FAA approved rev.)
Coil Assembly
(Janitrol 14C14)
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CD14C14 |
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Bell (206A, 206B),Raytheon (95, B95, B95A, D95A, E95, 95-55, 95-A55, 95-B55, S/N TC-1 thru TC-1657, TE-1 thru TE-0958, TE-0960 thru TE-0967. 99, S/N U-0001 thru U-0164, A56TC. 58, S/N TH-1 thru TH-436. 65, A65, S/N LC-0240 thru LC-0335, 65-80, 65-A80, 65-B80, 65-88, S/N LP-0001 thru LP-0026, LP-0028, LP-0030 thru LP-0047, 65-90, 65-A90, B90, S/N LJ-0001 thru LJ-0501. 70, S/N LB-0001 thru LB-0035, E18S, G18S, S/N BA-0039 and up. B50, C50, S/N CH-0012 thru CH-0360, D50, D50A, D50B, D50C, E50, F50, S/N EH-0001 thru EH-0070, FH-0071 thru FH-0096, G50, H50, S/N GH-0097 and up, J50, S/N JH-0150 thru JH-0176. 56TC, S/N TG-01 thru TG-94),Twin Commander (500, 500-A, 500-B. 560, 560-A, 560-E, 560F, S/N 0151 and up. 680, 680-E, 680-F, S/N 0231 and up. 680FL(P), 680-T, 680-V, 680-W, 681. 720.)
Coil Assembly
(Janitrol 14C14)
Details Available
CD31120 |
Details Available
Bell (206A, 206B),Raytheon (E18S, G18S, S/N BA-0039 and up. B50, C50, S/N CH-0012 thru CH-0360, D50, D50A, D50B, D50C, E50, F50, S/N EH-0001 thru EH-0070, FH-0071 thru FH-0096, G50, H50, S/N GH-0097 and up, J50, S/N JH-0150 thru JH-0176. 56TC, S/N TG-01 thru TG-94, A56TC., 70, S/N LB-0001 thru LB-0035. 95, B95, B95A, D95A, E95, 95-55, 95-A55, 95-B55, S/N TC-1 thru TC-1657, TE-1 thru TE-0958,TE-0960 thru TE-0967. 99, S/N U-0001 thru U-0164., 58, S/N TH-1 thru TH-436. 65, A65, S/N LC-0240 thru LC-0335, 65-80, 65-A80, 65-B80, 65-88, S/N LP-0001 thru LP-0026, LP-0028, LP-0030 thru LP-0047, 65-90, 65-A90, B90, S/N LJ-0001 thru LJ-0501.),Twin Commander (500, 500-A, 500-B.560, 560-A, 560-E, 560F, S/N 0151 and up. 680, 680-E, 680-F, S/N 0231 and up, 680FL(P), 680-T, 680-V, 680-W, 681. 720.)
(Janitrol 14C14-1, 64C08)
Details Available
RA-14C14-1 |
Details Available
Beech (Raytheon) (E18S, G18S, S/N BA-0039 thru BA-1018, E18S, G18S, S/N BA-1019 and up, 56TC, S/N TG- 01 thru TG-83. A56TC, S/N TG- 84 thru TG-94. 58, S/N TH-1 thru TH-436. 95-55, 95-A55. 95-B55, S/N TC-1 thru TC- 1657, TE-1 thru TE-0958, TE-0960 thru TE-0967. 95, B95, B95A, D95A, E95., 65, 65-80, S/N LD-0001 thru LD-0150. 65-A80, S/N LD-0151 and up, 65-88, S/N LP-0001 thru LP-0026, LP- 0028, LP-0030 thru LP-0047. 65-90, 65-A90, B90, S/N LJ- 0001 thru LJ-0059, 65-90, 65-A90, B90, S/N LJ-0060 thru LJ-0501. 70, S/N LB- 0001 thru LB-0035. A65, S/N LC- 0240 thru LC-0335. 65-B80, S/N LD-0270 thru LD-0511., 99, S/N U-0001 thru U-0164, B50, C50, S/N CH-0012 thru CH-0360. D50, D50A, D50B, D50C, S/N DH-0001 thru DH-0262. E50, F50, S/N EH-0001 thru EH-0070, FH-0071 thru FH-0096. G50, H50, S/N GH-0097 thru GH-0134., D50C, S/N DH- 0263 and up. H50, S/N GH- 0135 and up. J50, S/N JH- 0150 thru JH-0176.),Bell (206A, 206B),Twin Commander (680-T, 680-V, 680-W, 681, 500, 500-A, 500-B, S/N 0001 thru 0230.500, 500-A, 500-B, 500, 500-A, 500-B, S/N 0231 and up, 500-U. 560, 560-A, 560-E, 560F, S/N 0151 and up. 680, 680-E, 680-F, S/N 0231 and up. 680FL(P). 720.)
Kit, Coil Insulator
(Janitrol 14C14-1 65C08)
Details Available
CD-21331 |
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Bell (206A, 206B),Raytheon (Beech) (D50C, S/N DH-0263 and up. H50, S/N GH-0135 and up. J50. S/N JH-0150 thru JH-0176. E18S, G18S, S/N BA-0039 and up, 95-55, 95-A55. 95-B55, S/N TC-1 thru TC-1657, TE-1 thru TE-0958. TE-0960 thru TE-0967, 65-88, S/N LP-0001 thru LP-0026, LP-0028, LP-0030 thru LP-0047, 65-90, 65-A90, B90, S/N LJ-0001 thru LJ-0501, 70, S/N LB-0001 thru LB-0035. A65, S/N LC-0240 thru LC-0335. 65-B80, S/N LD-0270 thru LD-0511, 99, S/N U-0001 thru U-0164, B50, C50, S/N CH-0012 thru CH-0360. D50, D50A, D50B, D50C, S/N DH-0001 thru DH-0262. E50, F50, SN EH-0001 thru EH-0070. FH-0071 thru FH-0096 G50, H50, S/N GH-0097 thru GH-0134., 95, B95, B95A, D95A, E95. 65, 65-80, S/N LD-0001 thru LD-0150. 65-A80, S/N LD-0151 and up, 56TC, S/N TG-01 thru TG-83. A56TC, S/N TG-84 thru TG-94. 58, S/N TH-1 thru TH-436),Twin Commander (500, 500-A, 500-B, 500-U, 560, 560-A, 560-E, 560F, S/N 0151 and up. 680, 680-E, 680-F, S/N 0231 and up. 680FL(P), 720, 680T, 680V, 680W, 681)
Coil Assembly Ign
(Janitrol 14C14-1)
Details Available
4251 |
Details Available
Miscellaneous (Acft Comb. Heater & TC Acft Inst'l Eligiblity are listed in tables I & II respectively of C & D Airmotive Prod., Inc., FAA/PMA Acft Comb. Heater Replacement Parts Cross Ref. Guide & Acft Inst'l Eligibility List, 9th Ed., No Rev., or later FAA Appr. Rev)