Event #
Lot #
Location |
Total Bid |
QTY #Items in Lot
Acquisition Price
Lot Title
Event: 2168
Lot: 9483
Rancho Cordova CA |
Details Available
Qty: 6
Items: 103
Details Available
Pallet containing differential gage, bearing, cylinder kit, catenary assembly, ball and seat assembly, 2 EA valves, cable assembly, mylar, pulley groove, and more. Preview is available February 29th from 8 am to 12 pm.
Event: 2279
Lot: 9467
Rancho Cordova CA |
Details Available
Qty: 6
Items: 111
Details Available
5,310 ea (apprx) items to include insulation sleeving: 1-1/4 x 1-1/2; differential gage, bearing, cylinder kit, catenary assembly, ball and seat assembly, valves, cable assembly, mylar, pulley groove, and more. Export Controls may apply to equipment in this lot. Preview is available Wednesday, June 13th from 8:00-12:00.