(15) total vehicle storage boxes. The (1) U. S. Tank Automotive Command storage box has the following dimensions: 86x22x17. (14) Oshkosh Corporation storage boxes have the following dimensions: 40x17x17
2 Triwalls Vehicular Parts \& Components: Multiple item lot. For specific lot information and approximate quantities, reference Item Manifest data in the Lot Details tab below. For Lot size and weight information, reference the Shipping Details tab below
3ea, Green Metal Vehicle storage box accessories, part number 1338980W, individual dimensions 41 x 17 x 17 inches, may have damage and may be missing components. GL can assist tailgate load out.
4 Triwalls 3 pallets General Commodities: Multiple item lot. For specific lot information and approximate quantities, reference Item Manifest data in the Lot Details tab below. For Lot size and weight information, reference the Shipping Details tab below
Management Data - US Gov't supply management data (costs, storage, etc.)