Event #
Lot #
Location |
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QTY #Items in Lot
Acquisition Price
Lot Title
Event: 5123
Lot: 7702
Fort Riley KS |
Details Available
Qty: 1
Items: 1
Details Available
True Manufacturing Company, Refrigerator, Model- T-35F, Serial- 1-2886135, 3/ 4 HP, 115V, 60 HZ, 1 PH, F. L. Amps- 15, Pressures- 332 PSIG high side, 162 PSIG low side, Charge Refrigerant- R404A, 18 oz
Event: 5123
Lot: 7703
Fort Riley KS |
Details Available
Qty: 1
Items: 1
Details Available
Continental Refrigerator Corporation, Refrigerator, Model- C22RSIS, Serial- C9103337, Power Supply: 2 Wires, 115 Volts, 60 HZ, 1 PH, Cabinet- 115 Volts, 60 HZ, 1 PH, 1. 3 Amps, 29 LRA, Refrigerant Type- R12, Amount Oz- 13
Event: 5123
Lot: 7704
Fort Riley KS |
Details Available
Qty: 1
Items: 1
Details Available
McCall Refrigerator, Division of Kolpack Industries Inc. , Model- 1020F, Serial- M-36792, 220 Volts, 50 HZ, 1 PH, 5. 4 Amps, Refrigerant Type- 12, Amount Oz- 32, Factory Test Pressure- 140 PSI low side, 235 PSI high side
Event: 5123
Lot: 7705
Fort Riley KS |
Details Available
Qty: 1
Items: 1
Details Available
Manitowoc Ice Inc. , Refrigerator, Model- AV1S, Serial- 000270064, 115 Volt
Event: 5179
Lot: 7702
Fort Riley KS |
Details Available
Qty: 1
Items: 3
Details Available
4 Pieces of food service equipment, to include: 2 Continental Refrigerator, Refrigerators, model C-26-RS-IS, serial C8324212, C8324197, power supply 2 wires, 115 volts, 60 hz, 1 ph, cabinet 115 volts, 60 hz, 1 ph, 1. 3 amps, conditioner unit- 115 volts, 60 hz, 1 ph, 1. 3 amps, refrigerant type- R12, amount 13 oz, factory tested pressure 140 psi low side 235 psi high side, 1 Continental Refrigerator, Refrigerators, model C-22-RS-IS, serial C9103337, power supply 2 wires, 115 volts, 29LRA, 60 hz, 1 ph, refrigerant type- R12, amount 13 oz, 1 Hot and cold server, no data information