3 Boxes containing 2 EA electric space heater: 407l tactical air control system/485l tactical air control system improvements (tacsi). 25 EA waste drain stopper: special features 6 in. LG 17 gauge tailpiece includes 11 in. beaded chain, coupling and gasket and more. Preview is available March 7th from 8 am to 12 pm.
28 ea items to include electric space heaters for 407l tactical air control system/485l tactical air control system improvements (tacsi). Waste drain stoppers for special features 6 in. lg 17 gauge tailpiece, includes 11 in. beaded chain, coupling and gasket, and more. Export Controls may apply to equipment. Preview is available Wednesday, June 6th from 8:00-12:00.
Technical Characteristics - detailed information such as measurements and material type for national stock numbers