Event #
Lot #
Location |
Total Bid |
QTY #Items in Lot
Acquisition Price
Lot Title
washer flat
Event: 12383
Lot: 1414
Lockbourne OH |
Details Available
Qty: 87
Items: 14
Details Available
1 Triwall, Aerospace Hdw To Include: Aeronautical Standards Group, Snap Faster Post, Part # MS279839; Plain Hexagon Nut, Part # 90101A252; Helical Comp Spring, Part # 686045
washer flat
Event: 12629
Lot: 1382
Columbus OH |
Details Available
Qty: 48
Items: 35
Details Available
1 Tri-Wall, Aerospace items, to include: Northrop Grumman Systems Corp, access weapon system door, width: 16.6700 in., flange thickness: .0781 in., length: 43.7500 in., .0781 in. body thickness, P/N 1870-0070; The Boeing Company, gasket, 83 bolt holes, length: 19.55 in., width: 14.92 in., hole diameter: .250 in., P/N 68A250571-2009; Fabco Automotive, ball stud, P/N 325-0295, ball stud lower kingpin