All-in-One Report Demo (NSN: 5995011357574, Part Number: CX13063U19FT)
Supplier Parts Availability - item details and contact information for suppliers holding stock

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NSN Description MCRL Information


INC: 00782
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DRMS - Government Auction History - (NSN : 5995011357574)
Event #
Lot #
Location |
Total Bid |
QTY #Items in Lot
Acquisition Price
Lot Title
Event: 2168
Lot: 9461
Rancho Cordova CA |
Details Available
Qty: 2
Items: 58
Details Available
Pallet containing 2 EA seat knife edge, gear assembly, logic card, 2 EA ring pair, 2 EA filters, flow limiter assembly, 5 EA multiplexer, and more. Preview is available February 29th from 8 am to 12 pm.
Event: 2168
Lot: 9463
Rancho Cordova CA |
Details Available
Qty: 1
Items: 26
Details Available
Pallet containing panel, 2 EA expansion joint, disk valve, 2 EA insert, 4 EA vibration damper, and more. Preview is available February 29th from 8 am to 12 pm.
Event: 2213
Lot: 9480
Rancho Cordova CA |
Details Available
Qty: 2
Items: 38
Details Available
10,643 EA (approx) Aerospace pieces to include AY seat, valve: flange diameter 1.359 inches nominal, body outside diameter 1.109 inches nominal, body inside diameter 0.484 inches nominal, flange seat to disk end height 0.375 inches nominal, under flange height 0.250 inches nominal, seating surface shape flat. 1 ea ring, wearing: body style plain, overall length 0.781 inches nominal, body outside diameter 4.748 inches minimum and 4.750 inches maximum, body inside diameter 4.374 inches minimum and 4.375 inches maximum, corner shape square all corners, material nickel alloy. 86 ea o-ring: outside diameter 1.137 inches nominal, cross-sectional height 0.135 inches minimum and 0.143 inches maximum, center hole diameter 0.853 inches minimum and 0.865 inches maximum, elongation percentage 150 maximum, hardness rating 70.0 shore durometer a nominal, material rubber butadiene-acrylonitrile class nbr and more. Export Controls may apply to equipment in this lot. Preview is available Wednesday, April 4th from 8 am to 12 pm.
Event: 2213
Lot: 9488
Rancho Cordova CA |
Details Available
Qty: 1
Items: 74
Details Available
3,495 EA (approx) Aerospace pieces to include 7 EA filter-drier, refrigerant: overall length 10.250 inches nominal, tube outside 1.625 inches nominal, cartridge overall diameter 3.700 inches nominal, leg length 1.120 inches nominal. Liner, gear: capitol engine co inc. Armature, generator: overall length 12.1840 inches minimum and 12.1960 inches maximum, overall diameter 3.9930 inches minimum and 3.9950 inches maximum, features provided shaft, construction slot wound. Piston: cres steel, 4.235 in. od of head, 3.031 in. o/a h, 2062 in. lg of stem, 1.254 in. od of stem and more. Export Controls may apply to equipment in this lot. Preview is available Wednesday, April 4th from 8 am to 12 pm.
Event: 2234
Lot: 9453
Rancho Cordova CA |
Details Available
Qty: 1
Items: 181
Details Available
3,151 ea (apprx) Total pieces to include 5 ea Radiator, vehicular compartment heater: Bae Systems Hagglunds AB. Cartridge assembly for LVC-4M Oil Burner. 3 ea Float, valve: overall length 9.750 inches nominal, overall diameter 6.000 inches nominal, depth 1.500 inches nominal, material brass, shape round. 7 ea Bracket, elevation: rectangular shp W/four 0.531 in. mtg holes; 0.380 in. flange Thk; W/1.125 in. dia integral eyelet; 4.500 in. flange O/A Lg; 0.250 in. Eyelet stem dia. And more. Export Controls may apply to equipment in this lot.
Event: 2261
Lot: 9480
Rancho Cordova CA |
Details Available
Qty: 2
Items: 38
Details Available
10,643 ea (apprx) Aerospace pieces to include AY seat, valve: flange diameter 1.359 inches nominal, body outside diameter 1.109 inches nominal, body inside diameter 0.484 inches nominal, flange seat to disk end height 0.375 inches nominal, under flange height 0.250 inches nominal, seating surface shape flat. ring, wearing: body style plain, overall length 0.781 inches nominal, body outside diameter 4.748 inches minimum and 4.750 inches maximum, body inside diameter 4.374 inches minimum and 4.375 inches maximum, corner shape square all corners, material nickel alloy. 86 ea (apprx)o-ring: outside diameter 1.137 inches nominal, cross-sectional height 0.135 inches minimum and 0.143 inches maximum, center hole diameter 0.853 inches minimum and 0.865 inches maximum, elongation percentage 150 maximum, hardness rating 70.0 shore durometer a nominal, material rubber butadiene-acrylonitrile class nbr and more. Export Controls may apply to equipment in this lot. Preview is available Wednesday, May 23rd from 8 am to 12 pm.
Event: 2261
Lot: 9488
Rancho Cordova CA |
Details Available
Qty: 1
Items: 74
Details Available
3,495 ea (apprx) Aerospace pieces to include 7 ea filter-drier, refrigerant: overall length 10.250 inches nominal, tube outside 1.625 inches nominal, cartridge overall diameter 3.700 inches nominal, leg length 1.120 inches nominal. Liner, gear: capitol engine co inc. Armature, generator: overall length 12.1840 inches minimum and 12.1960 inches maximum, overall diameter 3.9930 inches minimum and 3.9950 inches maximum, features provided shaft, construction slot wound. Piston: cres steel, 4.235 in. od of head, 3.031 in. o/a h, 2062 in. lg of stem, 1.254 in. od of stem and more. Export Controls may apply to equipment in this lot. Preview is available Wednesday, May 23rd from 8 am to 12 pm.
Event: 2315
Lot: 9465
Rancho Cordova CA |
Details Available
Qty: 2
Items: 55
Details Available
1320 ea (apprx) Aerospace items to include knobs, remote control lever, motor armatures for Pratt & Whitney reciprocating engines & components, R-1340, R-1830, R-2000, R-2800, R-4360, R-985, and more. Export Controls may apply to equipment in this lot. Preview is available Wednesday, July 12th from 8 am to 12 pm.
Event: 2315
Lot: 9470
Rancho Cordova CA |
Details Available
Qty: 1
Items: 28
Details Available
696 ea (apprx) Communications Security (COMSEC) machine Screws other than serialized control items, handles, expansion joints, disk valve, inserts, vibration dampers, and more. Export Controls may apply to equipment in this lot. Preview is available Wednesday, July 12th from 8 am to 12 pm.

Technical Characteristics - detailed information such as measurements and material type for national stock numbers
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Technical Characteristics |

Management Data - US Gov't supply management data (costs, storage, etc.)
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Management Data |
Criticality |
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