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Military Aircraft, Airframe Specific

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Military Aircraft, Airframe Specific

Postby HerkSeller on Thu Jun 12, 2008 7:24 am

I believe a good featrure to have would be a Category of Military under the Aerospace heading and also specific airframes such as C-130 Hercules or P-3 Orion.
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Re: Military Aircraft, Airframe Specific

Postby jamespet on Thu Jun 12, 2008 8:17 am

I have added the Military Category under Aerospace - Fixed Wing. There is also a military category under Aerospace - Roter. I would have to get more feedback to discuss the option of adding a subcategory for specific aircraft.
Thanks for the input HerkSeller...

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Re: Military Aircraft, Airframe Specific

Postby jamespet on Thu Jun 19, 2008 10:33 am

I like the idea but I would like to keep the categories as generic as possible so members do not have to drill down ## levels to get to category.
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