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Getting back into flying

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Getting back into flying

Postby akfreak on Thu Jun 12, 2008 3:39 am

Its been 6 years since my physical has lapsed. 911 has chaged everything, what are the major changes since 911 I will have to contend with. Has anyone picked flying back up after a long term absence. Any and all info would be helpful
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Joined: Thu Jun 12, 2008 3:36 am

Re: Getting back into flying

Postby jlane on Thu Jun 19, 2008 10:17 am

TFR's (temporary flight restricted areas)are one of the biggest things to be aware of, I would recommend taking an advance ground school with a good BFR, you'll be just fine!! Gods Speed & Good Flying!!
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Re: Getting back into flying

Postby on Mon Jul 28, 2008 2:22 am

A new and demanding job has prevented me from flying for a few years and I'm just getting back into it myself.
I suggest finding another pilot your comfortable with and go sightseeing and enjoy, with a current map of course (tfr's), and get more rigid with a bfr when your ready.
My last physical required eye glasses to pass the eye chart test, I guess the realm of "older age" does exist. Other then that and fuel cost, all has been confortable and enjoyable.
Don't be bashful in telling the person preforming the bfr of the time spent without flying in hope of opening that door to welcome advice, and patience.
Good luck and have fun (doing it right)
A.K.A. flyingwrench
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Joined: Wed Jun 18, 2008 7:29 pm

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